Snacks on the go!

Hello! I realised I haven't updated the blog for quite a while so here we go! I was browsing my own instagram the other day (follow me if you haven't!), trying to think of a new series that I should be doing rather than posting what I eat every single day, which might have already bored some of you. I think what I myself struggle a lot with is to have something quick and easy to snack on in between meals especially when I'm at work. So I want to share with you guys on Instagram for 14 days some healthy snack on the go ideas that I come up with. I hope you guys will find them useful :) Follow me on #14snackideas
Why snack?
1) If you are trying to lose weight, having something to eat / drink in between meals helps. Say you had your lunch at 12 ish and your dinner is at 7pm. During that 7 hour gap, the energy from your lunch has been burnt off completely and your brain begins to send out hunger hormones telling you that you have to eat. That hunger is likely to cause you to eat a lot at your evening meal. Also, psychologically you feel that you haven't had food for such a long time you are ok to eat more even when you are on a diet. Very often what you then eat is likely 1) to be a lot more than what you normally would eat 2) to be higher in sugar and fat (chips? burger? chocolate? sticky toffee pudding?) 3) to binge once you found that you have not been sticking to your diet plan and decided to go completely off track for the day.
No Jaclyn I count calories so I know exactly how much I should be having for dinner / I am really strict on my diet I'm only having this meal replacement shake for dinner- Yes if you can cut down calories by not snacking and still having a healthy controlled dinner in the evening- Great! But you are also telling me that you are constantly combating with your body signals and ignoring your psychological cues that in the long run your mental perseverance over calorie restriction is going to breakdown on a Friday night after a stressful day at work that all you want is cheesey fries and KFC chicken with few pints of beer. All that fluff above is to tell you that you need snacks in between meals- mid morning, mid afternoon to keep you on track with your diet plan.
2) If you want to gain weight for a stronger physique, you need to snack! As obvious as it is, snacks give you extra energy between meals. Eating 6 times a day - Breakfast, midmorning, lunch, midafternoon, dinner, supper is key to maximise the amount of energy and protein in your diet. Very often you may not feel that you have the appetite for more food as you constantly eat. Therefore snacks that give high energy and protein in a small amount/volume helps. Follow me on Instagram #14snackideas for great snacks ideas to feed your muscles!
Snack on the go ideas #14snackideas
I aim to post 1 snack a day for 14 days on my instagram starting from tomorrow! The snack ideas will be something that:
can be prepared in less than 5 mins
can be prepared from inexpensive ingredients easily found in supermarkets in the UK
you can bring along to work/school
suit people with various needs - high calorie high protein/ low calorie high protein / very low calorie
I will put up the calorie and protein content as well as the recipe so you guys can try making them too! Share the snacks you prepared with me and others by hastaging #14snackideas :)